From Fri Jul 1 11:57:01 1994 To: Subject: E-letter issue 71. From: eletter Reply-To: E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing ISSUE No. 71, July 1, 1994 E-mail: Editors: Anton A. Stoorvogel Dept. of Mathematics & Computing Science Eindhoven University of Technology P.O. Box 513 5600 MB Eindhoven the Netherlands Fax +31-40-465995 Siep Weiland Dept. of Electrical Engineering Eindhoven University of Technology P.O. Box 513 5600 MB Eindhoven the Netherlands Fax +31-40-434582 Contents 1. Editorial 2. Positions 2.1 Ph.D Position Robust Control, Delft University, The Netherlands 2.2 Vacancy Industrial Control Center, University of Westminster 3. Books 3.1 `Topics in Control Theory' by Knobloch, Isidori and Flockerzi. 3.2 `Residue Currents & Bezout Identities' by Berenstein cs. 3.3 `Computational Optimal Control' by Bulirsch cs. 3.4 `Virtual Reality Technology' by Burdea and Coiffet 4. Journals 4.1 TOC Math. of Control Signals & Systems, Vol 6-3. 4.2 TOC SIAM J. on Matrix Analysis and Appl., Vol 15-4. 4.3 TOC Linear Algebra and its Applications, Vol 207. 4.4 Call for Papers Journal of the Franklin Institute 5. Conferences 5.1 Announcement MTNS conference 1996. 5.2 Announcement ILAS-96 meeting, Chemnitz, 1996. 5.3 Call for Papers IFAC Symp. Contr. Power Plants; Cancun, Dec.'95 5.4 Call for Papers CISS-95, Baltimore, March 22-24, '95. 5.5 Call for Papers ECCTD-95, Istanbul, August 27-31, '95. 5.6 Conf. Update 12th ICPR, Jerusalem, October 9-13, '95. 5.7 Call for Props ICIAM-95, Hamburg, July 3-7, '95. 5.8 Call for Papers IFAC Conf. Syst. Structure & Contr., Nantes, '95 5.9 Invitation APCCM-95, China '95. 5.10 Adv. Program 3rd Workshop on SVD & Appl., Leuven, August '94 Adv. Program Workshop on Algorithms and VLSI, Leuven, August '94 5.11 Preliminary Program VSLT-94, Benevento, September, '94. ****************************************** * * * Editorial * * * ****************************************** Welcome to E-letter number 71 !!! We plan to send out the E-letter monthly. The next issue of E-letter will appear August 1. Please send contributions before this date. We remind you of the following. -1- Contributions have to be sent to: "" It would be useful if articles are already sent in the format that we use, starting with a "Contributed by:..." and a title centered in the next line. Each line should be no more than 80 characters wide. Please respect the MAXIMUM LENGTH OF 8 Kb per contribution. -2- You can subscribe to the E-letter by sending an (empty) e-mail message to "" carrying the subject 'add' or 'subscribe'. You will be automatically subscribed and included in our mailing list. To unsubscribe from this list, send an (empty) e-mail message to "" with the subject 'remove', 'delete' or 'unsubscribe'. -3- If your address changed first unsubscribe (using your old E-mail address) and then subscribe again (using your new E-mail address). If you can not use your old E-mail address any longer then send an E-mail to "" and your old address will be removed manually. In case of any problems please send an E-mail to "" and we will try to resolve the problem. -4- Further information about the E-letter can be obtained by sending an (empty) e-mail message to "" carrying the subject 'info' or via the finger command: "finger" -5- If you are using an editor to read this mailing and if at any point you wish to skip to the next article, you can accomplish this by searching for the string: *.** ****************************************** * * * Positions * * * ****************************************** *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Carsten W. Scherer ( Delft University of Technology & Philips Research Laboratories Four Year Ph.D. Position in Robust Control In a joint project of the TU Delft (Delft) and Philips Research (Eindhoven) the goal is to develop methodologies for system identification and robust control which are specially suited for high-performance motion tracking control of consumer electronic products. Particular attention should be paid to the integration of model identification with an assessment of the underlying uncertainties and the design of controllers which provide desirable performance for all models in the identified class. These aims should be achieved in close cooperation of two investigators, one responsible for identification aspects (Hans Doetsch, supervised by Dr. P.M.J. van den Hof) and one concentrating on robust controller design (vacant position, supervised by Dr. C.W. Scherer). The candidate is expected to contribute in the modeling of the occurring uncertainties, the formulation of robust control problems guaranteeing stability and performance, the assessment of applicability or the development of variations of existing synthesis techniques (H-infinity, mu-synthesis, LMI-techniques, multiobjective control), and the controller implemention on a prototype CD player mechanism. In view of this broad range of topcis we expect any applicant to have, in addition to a firm engineering background, an above average knowledge of the mathematics related to robust control. The research should start in fall 1994 and is performed in the Systems and Control Group at the TU Delft, headed by Prof. O.H. Bosgra, with regular meetings with the group around Dr. M. Steinbuch at Philips Research Eindhoven. Please send your application including a curriculum vitae and a description of undergraduate and graduate studies with details of the final year project (including marks/grades) to Dr. Carsten Scherer Mechanical Engineering Systems and Control Group Delft University of Technology Mekelweg 2 2628 CD Delft The Netherlands Phone: +31-15-785899 E-mail: The candidate should make sure that least two letters of recommendation are sent to the above address. *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by Colin Bravington, Manager, Advanced Control Club. UNIVERSITY OF WESTMINSTER THE INDUSTRIAL CONTROL CENTRE ADVANCED CONTROL CLUB funded jointly by DTI, MAFF and UK Industry The Advanced Control Club has been set up to transfer research results in control technology into practical application in UK industry and commerce. Vacancies exist for two engineers. ENGINEERS FOR THE ADVANCED CONTROL CLUB Salary : 10,818 to 26,028 Pounds Sterling (dependent on age and qualifications) Successful applicants will work closely with industrial and commercial organisations in adapting state of the art control research and techniques into industrial application and practice. Experience of delivering successful research allied to good communication skills is a pre-requisite. Likely Background Good first degree and relevant PhD (preferred) and some publications. Concrete evidence of ability in particular specialisms is desirable eg. control design, simulation, AI. ****************************************** * * * Books * * * ****************************************** *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Irene Heiniger NEW BOOK ANNOUNCEMENT Title: Topics in Control Theory Authors: H.W. Knobloch, Universitaet Wuerzburg, Germany / A. Isidori, Universita degli Studi di Roma, Italy / D. Flockerzi, Universitaet Wuerzburg, Germany About the Book: One of the key concerns in modern control theory is the design of steering strategies. The implementation of such strategies is done by a regulator. Presented here is a self-contained introduction to the mathematical background of this type of regulator design. The topics selected address the matter of greatest interest to the control community at present, namely, when the design objective is the reduction of the influence of exogeneous disturbances upon the output of the system. In a first scenario the disturbance signal is regarded as a deterministic time series with known dynamics but unknown parameters. The design objective is then the asymptotic disturbance compensation. In a second scenario, no information about the disturbance signal is available apart from some bounds. Here, in an H-approach, control strategies are worked out which will prove efficient for all such disturbances. The intention of this book is to present ideas and methods on such a level that the beginning graduate student will be able to follow current research. New results are included, especially for nonlinear control systems, and as a service to the reader, an extensive appendix presents topics from linear algebra, invariant manifolds and calculus of variations, information which is hardly to be found in standard textbooks. Table of Contents: INTRODUCTION * THE PROBLEM OF OUTPUT REGULATION * Introduction * Problem statement * Output regulation via full information * Output regulation via error feedback * A particular case * Well-posedness and robustness * The construction of a robust regulator * DISTURBANCE ATTENUATION VIA H-METHODS * Introduction * Problem statement * A characterization of the L2-gain of a linear system * Disturbance attenuation via full information * Disturbance attenuation via measured feedback * FULL INFORMATION REGULATORS * Problem statement * Time-dependent control strategies * Examples * Time-independent control strategies * The local case * Nonlinear observers * Problem statement * Time-dependent observers * Error feedback regulators * Examples * NONLINEAR H-TECHNIQUES * Introduction * Construction of the saddle-point * The local scenario * Disturbance attenuation via linearization * A Matrix equations * Linear matrix equations * Algebraic Riccati equations * B Invariant manifolds * Existence theorem * Outflowing manifolds * Asymptotic phase * Convergence for T * A special case * Dichotomies and Lyapunov functions * C HAMILTON-JACOBI-BELLMAN-ISAACS EQUATION * Introduction * Method of characteristics * The equation of Isaacs * The Hamiltonian version of Isaacs' equation * Bibliography ISBN 3-7643-2953-X 1993. 172 pages. Softcover. sFr. 44.- DMV 22 (Deutsche Mathematische Vereinigung-Seminar) Ordering Information: In North America: Birkhaeuser, 333 Meadowlands Parkway, Secaucus, NJ 07094-2491, USA Tel: 1-800-777-4643 / 201-348-4033 Fax: 201-348-4505 Outsice North America: Birkhaeuser Verlag AG, Klosterberg 23, CH-4010 Basel, Switzerland Tel: 61-721-7400 Fax: 61-721-7950 e-mail: *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Irene Heiniger NEW BOOK ANNOUNCEMENT Title: Residue Currents and Bezout Identities Authors: C.A. Berenstein, University of Maryland, College Park, USA / R. Gay, Universite de Bordeaux, France / A. Vidras, A., Kyoto University, Japan / A. Yger, Universite de Bordeaux, France About the Book: The objective of this monograph is to present a coherent picture of the almost mysterious role that analytic methods and, in particular, multidimensional residue have recently played in obtaining effective estimates for problems in commutative algebra. Bezout identities, i. e., f1g1 + ... + fmgm = 1, appear naturally in many problems, for example in commutative algebra in the Nullstellensatz, and in signal processing in the deconvolution problem. One way to solve them is by using explicit interpolation formulas in Cn, and these depend on the theory of multidimensional residues. The authors present this theory in detail, in a form developed by them, and illustrate its applications to the effective Nullstellensatz and to the Fundamental Principle for convolution equations. The objective of this monograph is to present a coherent picture of the almost mysterious role that analytic methods and, in particular, multidimensional residue have recently played in obtaining effective estimates for problems in commutative algebra. Table of Contents Introduction * Residue Currents in one Dimension. Different Approaches * Residue attached to a holomorphic function * Some other approaches to the residue current * Some variants of the classical Pompeiu formula * Some applications of Pompeiu's formulas. Local results * Some applications of Pompeiu's formula. Global results * Integral Formulas in Several Variables * Chains and cochains, homology and cohomology * Cauchy's formula for test functions * Weighted Bochner-Martinelli formulas * Weighted Andreotti-Norguet formulas * Applications to systems of algebraic equations * Residue Currents and Analytic Continuation * Leray iterated residues * Multiplication of principal values and residue currents * The Dolbeault complex and the Grothendieck residue * Residue currents * The local duality theorem * The Cauchy-Weil Formula and its Consequences * The Cauchy-Weil formula * The Grothendieck residue in the discrete case * The Grothendieck residue inthe algebraic case * Applications to Commutative Algebra and Harmonic Analysis * An analytic proof of the algebraic Nullstellensatz * The membership problem * The Fundamental Principle of L. Ehrenpreis * The role of the Mellin transform ISBN 3-7643-2945-9 1993. 172 pages. Hardcover. sFr. 68.- PM 114 (Progress in Mathematics) Ordering Information: In North America: Birkhaeuser, 333 Meadowlands Parkway, Secaucus, NJ 07094-2491, USA Tel: 1-800-777-4643 / 201-348-4033 Fax: 201-348-4505 Outsice North America: Birkhaeuser Verlag AG, Klosterberg 23, CH-4010 Basel, Switzerland Tel: 61-721-7400 Fax: 61-721-7950 e-mail: *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Irene Heiniger NEW BOOK ANNOUNCEMENT Title: Computational Optimal Control Editors: R. Bulirsch, TH Muenchen, Germany / D. Kraft, Fachhochschule Muenchen, Muenchen, Germany About the Book: There is public agreement that all resources should be used sparingly both from the point of view of economy and ecology. Therefore optimization is the tool of choice in controlling industrial and economic processes. This book collects the reviewed papers of the ninth IFAC Workshop on Control Applications of Optimization, which took place in Munich in September 1992. Highlights from the ensuing discussions have been incorporated by the authors. The volume reflects the state of the art in the application of finite and infinite dimensional optimization to open and closed loop control problems. Its spectrum ranges from theoretical foundations of the proposed methods and numerical implementations of algorithms to applications to real world problems. Emphasis lies on the solution of practical industrial problems in aerospace, mechanical and electrical engineering, manufacturing technology and economic and management systems. Among the theoretical papers are contributions from nonlinear programming (interior point methods, large structured problems, nonsmooth problems, and vector-valued criteria) and optimal control (multipoint boundary value problems, state and control constraints, feedback solutions, differential-algebraic systems and differential games). Table of Contents: Contents: Preface * A Survey on Computational Optimal Control * J.T. Betts: Issues in the Direct Transcription of Optimal Control Problems to Sparse Nonlinear Programs * F.L. Chernousko: Optimization in Control of Robots * P.E. Gill / W. Murray / M.A. Saunders: Large-scale SQP Methods and their Application in Trajectory Optimization * H.J. Pesch: Solving Optimal Control and Pursuit-Evasion Game Problems of High Complexity * Theoretical Aspects of Optimal Control and Nonlinear Programming * V.V. Dikoussar: Continuation Methods In Boundry Value Problems * A.V. Dmitruk: Second Order Optimality Conditions for Singular Extremals * R. Gabasov / N.V. Balashevich / F.M. Kirillova: Synthesis of Adaptive Optimal Controls for Linear Dynamic Systems * E.W. Sachs: Control Applications of Reduced SQP Methods * W. Schenker / H.P. Geering: Time Optimal Control of Mechanical Systems * Algorithms for Optimal Control Calculations * M.D. Ardema / H.-C. Chou: Second Order Algorithm for Time Optimal Control of a Linear System * E. Arnold / H. Puta: An SQP-type Solution Method for Constrained Discrete-Time Optimal Control Problems * N.D. Botkin / V.M. Kein / V.S. Patsko / V.L. Turova / M.A. Zarkh: Numerical Methods for Solving Differential Games, Prospective Applications to Technical Problems * M.H. Breitner: Construction of the Optimal Feedback Controller for Constrained Optimal Control Problems with Unknown Disturbances * K. Malinkowski: Repetitive Optimization for Predictive Control of Dynamic Systems under Uncertainty * C.C. Pantelides / R.W.H. Sargent / V.S. Vassiliadis: Optimal Control of Multistage Systems Described by High-Index Differential-Algebraic Equations * G. Sonnevend: A New Class of a High Order Interior Point Method for the Solution of Convex Semiinfinite Optimization Problems * M.C. Steinbach: A Structured Interior Point SQP Method for Nonlinear Optimal Control Problems * Software for Optimal Control Calculations * D. Bestle / P. Eberhard: Automated Approach for Optimizing Dynamic Systems * G. Gruebel / R. Finsterwalder / G. Gramlich / H.-D. Joos / S. Lewald: ANDECS: A Computation Environment for Control Applications of Optimization * R. Mehlhorn / M. Dinkelmann / G. Sachs: Application of Automatic Differentiation to Optimal Control Problems * R. Schoepf / P. Deuflhard: OCCAL: A mixed symbolic-numeric Optimal Control CALculator * Applications of Optimal Control * R. Callies: A Robotic Satellite with Simplified Design * D. Claude / N. Nadjar: Nonlinear Control under Constraints of a Biological System * G. Ericsson / P. Forsgren / G. Gyllensward: An Object-Oriented Approach to Optimally Describe and Specify a SCADA System Applied to a Power Network * B. Jaermark / H. Bengtsson: Near-Optimal Flight Trajectories Generated by Neural Networks * B. Kugelmann: Performance of a Feedback Method with Respect to Changes in the Air-Density during the Ascent of a Two-Stage-To-Orbit Vehicle * A.J. Roenneke / K.-H. Well: Linear Optimal Control for Reentry Flight * Z. Schindler: Steady-State Modelling of Turbine Engine with Controllers * V.H. Schulz / H.G. Bock / R.W. Longman: Shortest Paths for Satellite Mounted Robot Manipulators * O. von Stryk / M. Schlemmer: Optimal Control of the Industrial Robot Manutec r3 ISBN 3-7643-5015-6 1994. 396 pages. Hardcover. sFr. 128.- ISNM 115 (International Series of Numerical Mathematics) Ordering Information: In North America: Birkhaeuser, 333 Meadowlands Parkway, Secaucus, NJ 07094-2491, USA Tel: 1-800-777-4643 / 201-348-4033 Fax: 201-348-4505 Outsice North America: Birkhaeuser Verlag AG, Klosterberg 23, CH-4010 Basel, Switzerland Tel: 61-721-7400 Fax: 61-721-7950 e-mail: *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: VIRTUAL REALITY TECHNOLOGY Grigore Burdea and Philippe Coiffet John Wiley & Sons, 400 pp, 23 color plates, 212 drawings and tables, ISBN 0-471-08632-0 (Cloth) June 17 1994. Call: 1-800-225-5945 or 1-212-850-6418 FAX: 1-212-850-6088 1-800-263-1590 (Canada) T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S 1. INTRODUCTION. What Is Virtual Reality? The Three ``I"s Of Virtual Reality. A Short History Of Virtual Reality. Towards Commercialization. The Contents Of This Book. 2. VIRTUAL REALITY TOOLS. 3-D Position Sensors. 3-D Magnetic Sensors. Ultrasound 3-D Sensors. Trackballs. 3-D Probes. Sensing Gloves. The DataGlove; The CyberGlove; The PowerGlove; The Dextrous Hand Master; Stereo Viewing Devices. Human Eye Stereo Viewing; Head Mounted Displays; LCD-based HMDs; CRT-based HMDs; Binocular Omni-Orientation Monitors (Booms); The ``Cyberscope"; Stereo Glasses; Stereo Projection Screens; Autostereoscopic 3-D Displays. 3-D Sound Generators; Human Hearing Model; The Convolvotron; The Beachtron And The Acoustetron. Conclusion. 3. TOUCH AND FORCE FEEDBACK. Touch Feedback Is Different From Force Feedback. Virtual Touch/Force-Feedback Requirements. Touch Feedback. Pneumatic Touch Feedback; Vibrotactile Feedback; Enhanced Tactile Feedback; Force Feedback. Force-Feedback Arms; Joysticks; ``Enhanced" Joysticks; Portable Masters; The Rutgers Portable Master With Force Feedback; The LRP Hand Master; The ``SAFIRE" And The ``Force ArmMaster"; Combining Force And Touch Feedback. Conclusion. 4. COMPUTING ARCHITECTURES. Frame Rate Vs. Computational Load. Graphics Performance Vs. Shading Mode. Graphics Performance Vs. Scene Complexity. PC-Based VR Engine. 486-PC With ActionMedia Graphics Accelerators; 486-PC With Spea ``Fire" Graphic Accelerators; Other PC-Based Graphic Accelerators. Workstation-Based Architectures. The ``Virtual Holographic Workstation; The Provision 100 Workstation. Highly Parallel VR Engines. Distributed VR. Supercomputer-Based Systems; IBM Distributed System; Distributed Force Feedback; Two-User Systems. Conclusion. 5. MODELING. Geometric Modeling. Object Shape; Object Appearance; Kinematic Modeling. Object Position. Collision Detection; Flying, Grabbing And Scaling; Object Hierarchies; Viewing The 3-D World; Physical Modeling. Weight Modeling. Surface Deformation And Compliance; Surface Smoothness; Object Behavior. Model Segmentation. Cell Segmentation; Level Of Detail Segmentation; Conclusion. 6. PROGRAMMING IN VR. The VR Editor. RenderWare; The VRT3 Editor. The Amaze Editor. The Resident Modeler. Event Scheduling. Real-time Distributed Simulation. Task Decomposition; Actors; The Hierarchy Element. The Shared Data Space; Graphical Programming. Non-Commercial VR Toolkits. Conclusion. 7. HUMAN FACTORS IN VR. Evaluation Difficulties. VR Evaluation Methodology. Control (Feedback); Vision And Graphics Feedback; Influence Of The Image Refresh Rate; Depth Perception; Color Discrimination; Passive Vision; Active Vision; Enhanced Vision; Audio Feedback; ``Passive" Audio Feedback; ``Active" Audio Feedback; ``Enhanced" Audio Feedback; Force And Tactile (Haptic) Feedback; Evaluation Of Sensing Gloves With Haptic Feedback; Evaluation Of Integrated Systems; ``Hand-Hand Coordination"; ``Hand-Eye" Coordination With Haptic Feedback; ``Hand-Ear" Coordination; ``Voice-Ear" And ``Voice-Eye" Coordination; ``Multimodal" Coordination; Simulation Sickness. VR And The Society. Impact On Our Professional Life; Impact On Our Private Life; Impact On Our Public Life; Conclusion. 8. APPLICATIONS. Medicine and Rehabilitation. Surgery; VR Anatomy Trainer; Surgical Simulators; Telesurgery; Hybrid Systems; Rehabilitation; Hand Diagnostic; Body Rehabilitation; Improving Quality Of Life For The Disabled; Biotechnology; Entertainment, Arts and Education. Entertainment applications; VR Arcades; Home-based VR Entertainment; The Arts; Videoplace; Mandala; Virtual Actors; The Virtual Museum; Virtual Music; Education; Military and Aerospace. Military Applications; The SIMNET tank trainer network; Antisubmarine Warfare; The Virtual Stinger Trainer; Aerospace Applications; The NASA Virtual Reality Training; The European Space Agency; The Virtual Cockpit; Business Applications. Finance; The Maxus Stock Trading Interface; Currency Exchange Visualization; Experiential Advertising; Interior Design; Robotics and Manufacturing. VR Applications in Robotics; Aid in Robot Design; Navigation in Unstructured Environments; Off-line Programming; Teleoperation; Manufacturing; Conclusion. 9. THE FUTURE. Large Volume Tracking. New Displays. New Haptic Displays. Neural Interfaces. ``Image Gloves". Voice Control. Portable Computers. Programming and Modeling. Conclusion. BIBLIOGRAPHY. LIST OF COMPANIES AND RESEARCH LABORATORIES. INDEX. ****************************************** * * * Journals * * * ****************************************** *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Eduardo Sontag MATH OF CONTROL, SIGNALS, AND SYSTEMS TABLE OF CONTENTS, Vol. 6, No. 3 T. Georgiou and M.C. Smith, Graphs, causality and stabilizability: linear, shift-invariant systems on L2[0,infty), pp. 195-223. R. Chabour, G. Sallet, and J.C. Vivalda, Stabilization of nonlinear two dimensional systems: a bilinear approach, pp. 224-246. A. Feintuch, Robustness for time varying systems, pp. 247-263. U. Oberst, On the minimal number of trajectories determining a multidimensional system, pp. 264-288. *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: SIAM J. ON MATRIX ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS Vol. 15, No. 4, October 1994 A Perturbation Analysis of the Generalized Sylvester Equation (AR-LB, DR-LE) = ( C,F) Bo Kagstrom Uniform Stability of Markov Chains Ilse Ipsen and Carl Meyer An Efficient Algorithm to Compute Row and Column Counts for Sparse Cholesky Factorization John B. Gilbert, Esmond G. Ng, and Barry W. Peyton Convexity and Concavity of the Perron Root and Vector of Leslie Matrices with Applications to a Population Model Stephen J. Kirkland and Michael Neumann Stable Numerical Algorithms for Equilibrium Systems Stephen A. Vavasis Some Convergence Properties of Matrix Sets David P. Stanford and Jose Miguel Urbano A Hybrid Algorithm for Optimizing Eigenvalues of Symmetric Definite Pencils Jean)Pierre A. Haeberly and Michael L. Overton Row Sums and Inverse Row Sums for Nonnegative Matrices Shmuel Friedland, Rohan Hemasinha, Hans Schneider, Jeffrey Stuart, and James Weaver Collinearity and Total Least Squares Ricardo D. Fierro and James R. Bunch Rank Robustness of Complex Matrices with Respect to Real Perturbations M. A. Wicks and R. A. DeCarlo Row Ordering for a Sparse QR Decomposition Thomas H. Robey and Deborah L. Sulsky Block-Triangularizations of Partitioned Matrices under Similarity/Equivalence Transformations Hisashi Ito, Satoru Iwata, and Kazuo Murota Numerical Range of Matrix Polynomials Chi-Kwong Li and Leiba Rodman A Stable and Efficient Algorithm for the Rank-One Modification of the Syummetric Eigenproblem Ming Gu and Stanley C. Eisenstat Fast Solution of Confluent Vandermonde Linear Systems Hao Lu Condition and Accuracy of Algorithms for Computing Schur Coefficients of Toeplitz Matrices I. Gohberg, I. Koltracht, and D. Xiao Eigenvalues of Block Matrices Arising from Problems in Fluid Mechanics K. A. Cliffe, T. J. Garratt, and A. Spence On the Perturbation of the Cholesky Factorization Zlatko Drmac, Matjaz Omladic, and Kresimir Veselic Towards a Divide and Conquer Algorithm for the Real Nonsymmetric Eigenvalue Problem Loyce Adams and Peter Arbenz Gaussian Elimination with Partial Pivoting can Fail in Practice Leslie V. Foster A Hybrid Tridiagonalization Algorithm for Symmetric Sparse Matrices Ian A. Cavers *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contribured by: Richard Brualdi LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Contents Volume 207 Walter F. Mascarenhas (Campinas, Brazil) The Structure of the Eigenvectors of Sparse Matrices 1 Andrew Lenard (Bloomington, Indiana) Structure Theory of Reciprocal Pairs of Linear Transformations 21 T. Ja. Azizov (Voronezh, Russia), P. A. Binding (Calgary, Alberta, Canada), J. Bognar (Budapest, Hungary), and B. Najman (Zagreb, Croatia) Nondegenerate Jordan Subspaces of Self-Adjoint Operators in Indefinite Spaces 37 George Labahn (Waterloo, Ontario, Canada) and Tamir Shalom (Herzlia, Israel) Inversion of Toeplitz Structured Matrices Using Only Standard Equations 49 Ann Sinap and Walter Van Assche (Heverlee, Belgium) Polynomial Interpolation and Gaussian Quadrature for Matrix-Valued Functions 71 Bingsheng He (Nanjing, People's Republic of China) New Contraction Methods for Linear Inequalities 115 Xingping Sun (Springfield, Missouri) Scattered Hermite Interpolation Using Radial Basis Functions 135 N. M. Missirlis and N. G. Gaitanos (Athens, Greece) Extensions of the Ostrowski-Reich Theorem 147 Nam-Kiu Tsing (Hong Kong), Michael K. H. Fan, and Erik I. Verriest (Atlanta, Georgia) On Analyticity of Functions Involving Eigenvalues 159 Steve Batterson (Atlanta, Georgia) Convergence of the Francis Shifted QR Algorithm on Normal Matrices 181 Andre C. M. Ran (Amsterdam, the Netherlands) and Leiba Rodman (Williamsburg, Virginia) The Rate of Convergence of Real Invariant Subspaces 197 Evgenij E. Tyrtyshnikov (Moscow, Russia) Influence of Matrix Operations on the Distribution of Eigenvalues and Singular Values of Toeplitz Matrices 225 Anders Barrlund (Umea, Sweden) Perturbation Bounds for the Generalized QR Factorization 251 Haruo Yanai and Shin-ichi Mayekawa (Tokyo, Japan) BOOK REVIEW: Linear Algebra and Linear Models, by R. B. Bapat 273 Author Index 279 *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by Maurice F. Aburdene : Call For Papers Journal of the Franklin Institute Engineering and Applied Mathematics As the new editors of the journal, we are writing to tell you something of our plans and invite your collaboration in continuing the development of this historic journal, now in its 169th year. It is our intention that the journal will continue as a journal of engineering systems and the mathematics that underlies them. Its present focus is upon electrical and mechanical engineering, especially information and communication systems, including control theory; robotics; wavelets; nonlinear dynamics and fractals; neural computation; signal processing and mechanics. We realize that no description of this kinds can be comprehensive and we therefore encourage authors to put forward new topics for publication, provided that they fall within the broad scope of the journal or are related to one of the current topics. Of particular interest are emerging mathematical techniques, and especially their applications. The core of the journal will remain research papers. To encourage definitive accounts of research we emphasize that there is no arbitrary limit on the length of papers. Authors of particularly long papers, more than 6,000 words, should consult with us beforehand; but the bibliographic data for the journal shows that its papers are cited for many years and this is a trend we wish to continue. Papers are normally published within eight months of receipt and often more quickly if major revisions are not required. In addition, we are introducing a section of brief communications which will be published in 3-4 months provided they warrant the urgency. We intend to publish review articles and we invite authors to put forward proposals for such articles, to be major pieces of writing up to 10,000 words long. Review articles may either cover a relatively narrow topic at the frontiers of research or may be broader with a strong tutorial flavor. Manuscripts for publication should be sent directly to the managing editor at the Franklin Institute. Managing Editor Journal of the Franklin Institute 20th and Parkway Philadelphia,PA 19103 USA We look forward to your support in these exciting developments. Yours sincerely, Dr. Rabinder Madan Professor Maurice F. Aburdene Office of Naval Research Bucknell University ****************************************** * * * Conferences * * * ****************************************** *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: C. Byrnes The next MTNS Conference will be held: MTNS-96 June 24-28, 1996 St. Louis, Missouri USA We shall be back in touch with deadlines for session and paper submissions, at the appropriate time. Please note the change in year. Thank you, C. Byrnes, B. Datta, and C. Martin, organizers *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contribution by Volker Mehrmann: Prelinimary announcement: Meeting of International Linear Algebra Society in Chemnitz 1996 The ILAS meeting in 1996 will take place in Chemnitz, Germany from August 14.-17. The organizing committee consists of B. De Moor, Leuven L. Elsner, Bielefeld T. Laffey, Dublin V. Mehrmann, Chemnitz G. Michler, Essen M. Neumann, Storrs G. Oliveira, Coimbra H. Schneider, Madison F. Uhlig, Auburn *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Gustavo Arroyo Figueroa *********************************************************** ** CALL FOR PAPERS ** ** IFAC SYMPOSIUM ON CONTROL ** ** OF POWER PLANTS AND POWER SYSTEMS ** ** SIPOWER '95 CANCUN MEX. DECEMBER 4-6 1995 ** *********************************************************** INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM COMMITTEE Chairman R. Canales (MEX) CoChairmen T. Dy-Liacco (USA) H. K. Kwatny (USA) R. Nieva (MEX) D. Palomares (MEX) Members F. Aboytes (MEX) Jo. Alvarez (MEX) C. Alvarez (E) T. Ichikawa (J) G. Honderd (NL) O. Hernandez (MEX) O. P. Malik (CDN) P. M. Largen (DK) L. Marzio (I) G. K. Lausterer (D) A. Merlin (F) C. Maffezzoni (I) M. Pavella (B) N. W. Rees (AUS) D. Romero (MEX) C. A. Smith (USA) H. Weber (CH) E. Welfonder (D) Y. Xue (PRC) Li Xiwu (PRC) NATIONAL PROGRAM COMMITEE Chairman G. Arroyo (IIE) CoChairmen H. Sarmiento (IIE) A. Villavicencio (IIE) Members S. Acha (UANL) R. Chavez (IIE) M. Avila (CFE) R. Fernandez (ITESM) R. Avila (IIE) E. Gleason (IIE) A. Inda (IIE) J. M. Ibarra (CINVESTAV) J. Martinez (IIE) J. M. Ricano(CENIDET) J. L. Naredo (IIE) C. Verde (UNAM) SPONSORED BY: IFAC Technical Committee on Applications. Co-sponsored by IFAC Technical Committees on: Components and Instruments, Computers, Education and Systems Engineering. ORGANIZED BY: Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas (Control Systems Division) on behalf of the Asociacion de Mexico de Control Automatico with the support of: Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas Comision Federal de Electricidad Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia SCOPE: The objective of the symposium is to bring together control engineers and scientists of power plants and power systems worldwide. The interaction between the control engineers and scientists of power plants and power systems will be in the fields of energy management, artificial intelligence techniques, integrated computer systems, numerical methods, simulation and training tools applied to control of power systems and power plants. The symposium's technical program will include survey papers, plenary, invited and regular technical sessions. TOPICS: Control of Power Plants Control and operation of power plants Power plants modelling and simulation Integrated computer systems for power plants Distributed control systems Tools for control system design and documentation Fault diagnosis and fault tolerant systems Optimal and state feedback control Artificial intelligence applications Advanced control schemes Power plant automation: case studies Control of Power systems State estimation and model reduction Optimal power flow calculation techniques Generation scheduling and control Voltage and reactive power scheduling and control Dynamic security analysis Stability enhancement and control Advanced power systems control center functions Artificial intelligence applications Dispatcher training simulators Flexible transmission systems Power systems restoration Open system architectures for control centers CONTRIBUTIONS: Five copies of an extended abstract of three pages (800-1000 words) in English should be sent to the secretariat address. It must clearly indicate the new contributions and the relevance of the theme to the Symposium, according to the following structure: 0. Title and authors addresses (E-mail/phone/Fax) 1. State of the art 2. New contribution 3. Application or simulation results 4. References 5. Five keywords Proposals of invited sessions including a brief description of the topics and a list of prospective authors and titles should be sent to the secretariat address. SECRETARIAT ADDRESS Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas Director Division de Sistemas de Control Apdo. 475 Cuernavaca, Mor., 62000, Mexico. Phone: +52-73-189-655 or 182-442 Fax: +52-73-189-535 or 189-854 E-mail: DEADLINES Submission of extended abstracts and proposals of invited sessions: December 2, 1994 Preliminary acceptance: March 17, 1995 Submission of final papers: May 19, 1995 Final acceptance: August 4, 1995 LOCATION The Symposium will be held in Cancun by the Caribbean sea in southeast Mexico, near the ancient Mayan ruins. The hotel is located on the beach. COPYRIGHT The material submitted for presentation at an IFAC meeting must be original, not published or being considered elsewhere. All papers for presentation will appear in the Preprints of the meeting and will be distributed to the participants. Papers duly presented will be archived and offered for sale, in the form of Postprint volumes, by Elsevier Science Ltd., Oxford, UK. The papers which have been presented will be further screened for possible publication in the IFAC journals Automatica and Control Engineering Practice or in other, IFAC affiliated journals. the abstracts of all papers presented will also appear in Control Engineering Practice. Copyright of material presented at an IFAC meeting is held by IFAC. Authors will be sent a copyright transfer form. Automatica, Control Engineering Practice and, after these, IFAC affiliated journals have priority access to all contributions presented. However, if the author is not contacted by an editor of these journals, within three months after the meeting, the author is free to re-submit the material for publication elsewhere. In this case, the paper must carry a reference to the IFAC meeting where it was originally published. LANGUAGE The official symposium language is English. No simultaneous translation will be provided. =============================================================== Information Form To be completed and returned to the Symposium Secretariat. Dr. Roberto Canales / SIPOWER 95' Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas Director Division de Sistemas de Control Apdo. 475, Cuernavaca Mor., 62000 MEXICO. FAX: +52-73-189-535 e-mail: Please tick as appropriate: I intend to: O Attend the symposium O Submit a paper Provisional Title : ............................................................... Name(s) of Author(s) : ............................................................... O Propose an invited session. Subject: ............................................................... Please re-send this call for papers or send us an e-mail list of people you consider that could be interested in the topic of this symposium to secretariat Address. Thank you/gracias. *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Brian Hughes CALL FOR PAPERS - CISS '95 Conference on Information Sciences and Systems The Johns Hopkins University Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Baltimore, Maryland March 22, 23, 24, 1995 Authors are invited to submit papers describing new advances, applications, and ideas in the fields of communications, computer engineering, signal and image processing, and systems and controls. Two kinds of papers are solicited. (1) Regular papers requiring approximately thirty minutes for presentation; these will be reproduced in full (up to 6 pages) in the Conference Proceedings. (2) Short papers suitable for presentation in approximately fifteen minutes; one-page summaries of these papers will be published in the Proceedings. (One Proceedings page is approximately two standard double-spaced pages.) Instructions for Authors: A "regular" or "short" designation, title, summary, and a list of 2-3 keywords are to be submitted by January 15, 1995. Summaries should be of sufficient detail and length to permit careful reviewing. Authors will be notified of acceptance by February 17, 1995. Instructions for the preparation of accepted papers for the Proceedings will be sent to each author. All manuscripts are to be submitted to: 1995 CISS, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, The Johns Hopkins University, 3400 N. Charles St., Baltimore, MD 21218. Further information about the conference will be posted as it becomes available on the World-Wide Web at the URL listed below. This information can be perused using any Web client, such as NCSA Mosaic or Cello. Program Directors: Brian Hughes Pablo Iglesias Conference Office: (410) 516-7031 Email: URL: file:// 1995 CISS Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering The Johns Hopkins University 3400 N. Charles Street Baltimore, MD 21218 *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by : Omer Morgul ( FIRST CALL FOR PAPERS ECCTD 95 European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design 27-31 August 1995 Istanbul, TURKEY The 12th European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design will take place in Istanbul, Turkey, between 27-31 August 1995. The conference will focus on recent trends and advances on all aspects of Signal Processing and Circuits. The presentations will be made in the form of contributed and invited papers in regular or special sessions, student poster sessions and state-of-the-art talks by keynote speakers. Authors are invited to submit original technical papers describing novel research or engineering developments in the following areas : CIRCUITS : Analog, digital and mixed integrated circuits; communication and microwave circuits, switched-capacitor networks, neural networks. SIGNALS : Analog and digital;adaptive signals; image, speech and biomedical signal processing; multiresolution analysis; knowledge-based signal analysis. SYSTEMS : Analog, digital and hybrid systems; communication systems; VLSI and large scale systems; expert, discrete event, neural and fuzzy systems. MATHEMATICAL METHODS : Transform theory; linear and nonlinear system theory; fractals and chaos; large scale and multidimensional system analysis; graph theory. COMPUTATIONAL METHODS : Analysis and design tools; simulation, modeling and emulation; fault analysis; fuzzy and soft computing. AUTHORS' SCHEDULE : Submission of full papers : 30 November 1994 Notification of acceptance : 1 April 1995 Camera ready copy : 15 May 1995 Prospective authors should send six copies of their paper by 30 November 1994 to : ITU-ETA Vakfi (ECCTD-95), P.K. 34, Ataturk Havalimani, 34831, Istanbul, TURKEY. The cover sheet of the manuscript should include : 1 : Title of the paper; 2 : Author's name(s), address, affiliation and telephone; 3 : Name, e-mail address, telephone and fax number of the author to contact for correspondence. 4 : The technical area of the paper, and keywords. After notification of acceptance, the authors will be asked to prepare a four-page camera-ready manuscript to be included in the proceedings of the conference. TUTORIALS : The first day of the conference will be devoted to half or full day tutorials. Topics planned will include : Knowledge Based Signal Processing, Applications of Artificial Neural Networks, Fractal Techniques for Image Compresion, and other current subjects of interest. Conference Chairman : Prof. Izzet Cem Goknar Istanbul Technical University Electrical and Electronics Eng. Faculty Maslak, 80626, Istanbul, Turkey. Technical Program Chairman : Prof. Dr. Siddik Yarman Istanbul University Dept. of Electrical and Electronics Eng. Avcilar, 34850, Istanbul, Turkey. Special Sessions and Tutorials Chairman : Prof. Dr. Kemal Inan Middle East Technical University Dept. of Electrical and Electronics. Eng. 06531, Ankara, Turkey. Finance Chairman : Prof. Dr. Ergul Akcakaya Istanbul Technical University Electrical and Electronics Eng. Faculty Maslak, 80626, Istanbul, Turkey. Publications Chairman : Prof. Dr. Bulent Sankur Bogazici University Dept. of Electrical and Electronics. Eng. Bebek, 80815, Istanbul, Turkey. Publicity Chairman : Prof. Dr. Yorgo Istefanopulos Bogazici University Dept. of Electrical and Electronics. Eng. Bebek, 80815, Istanbul, Turkey. Exhibits Chairman : Prof. Dr. Ahmet Dervisoglu Istanbul Technical University Electrical and Electronics Eng. Faculty Maslak, 80626, Istanbul, Turkey. Local Arrengements Chairman : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cuneyt Guzelis Istanbul Technical University Electrical and Electronics Eng. Faculty Maslak, 80626, Istanbul, Turkey. Correspondence Chairman : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yusuf Leblebici Istanbul Technical University Electrical and Electronics Eng. Faculty Maslak, 80626, Istanbul, Turkey. Student Activities Chairman : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Omer Morgul Bilkent University Dept. of Electrical and Electronics Eng. 06533, Bilkent, Ankara, Turkey. Secretariat : ITU-ETA Vakfi P.K. 34, Ataturk Havalimani 34831, Istanbul, Turkey. Tel : (90-212) 246 60 47 ext. 12 Fax : (90-212) 240 13 49 *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: David Malah 12-ICPR UPDATE =============================================================================== 12th ICPR : INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PATTERN RECOGNITION 9-13 October 1994 Renaissance Hotel, Jerusalem =============================================================================== The 12-ICPR contains about 220 presentations organized in four tracks, with a total of 56 sessions: o COMPUTER VISION AND IMAGE PROCESSING - 25 Sessions o PATTERN RECOGNITION AND NEURAL NETWORKS - 19 Sessions o SIGNAL PROCESSING - 7 Sessions o PARALLEL COMPUTING - 5 Sessions In addition, about 230 papers will be presented in poster form. The program committees did their best to achieve a high-quality and balanced technical program. Combined with the inspiring location at Jerusalem, we are certain that the 12th ICPR will be a rewarding and memorable experience. In addition to the excellent technical program, an exciting range of TUTORIALS, SOCIAL EVENTS, and TOURS will be offered. For example, the BANQUET is planned to be a Bedouine Feast on the shore of the Dead Sea. The TECHNICAL PROGRAM, TUTORIAL PROGRAM, and full REGISTRATION, HOTEL, and TOURING INFORMATION, can be obtained by FTP or E-Mail as detailed below. Available files are: "advance-program" - Includes the Advance Technical Program. "tutorials" - Includes the Tutorial Program and Abstracts. "registration" - Includes Registration and Hotel Information. "tourism" - Information on tourist activities (Pre and Post Conference Tours). These files can be retrieved by E-Mail as follows: Send E-Mail to having the following lines: ------- open cd pub/ICPR get advance-program get tutorials get registration get tourism quit ------- To use anonymous ftp, connect to: (user: anonymous. Password: your E-Mail). Once logged on, perform the following ftp commands: ------ cd pub/ICPR get advance-program get tutorials get registration get tourism quit ------ These files can also be retrieved by E-Mail as follows: Send E-Mail to having the following lines: ------- open cd pub/ICPR get advance-program get tutorials get registration quit ------- E-mail address for any communication regarding the 12-ICPR: *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Gene Golub ICIAM '95 Hamburg , Germany CALL for MINI-SYMPOSIA PROPOSALS SIAM has been allotted 30 mini-symposia at the ICIAM meeting at Hamburg, July 3 thru July 7, 1995. We invite you and your colleagues to submit a proposal by July 15, 1994. THE PROPOSALS SHOULD BE SENT TO THE SIAM OFFICE. The final decision on the mini-symposia will be made by the the ICIAM Program Committee to insure a balanced program. Forms for making the proposal can be obtained from SIAM ( or from the SIAM gopher. (These forms are for the genaral call for mini-symposia; ignore the dates and address of return.) We welcome suggestions for other topics and organizers. A final decision on mini-symposia will be made by Sept 15, 1994. Here is some information and helpful comments. These suggestions are guides but they are not inviolate. 1) In the interest of fairness, an individual should not participate and/or organize more than one mini-symposium. 2) The organizer should be a member of SIAM but it is desirable that the speakers be chosen to reflect the international character of the ICIAM meeting. 3) If the organizer is a speaker then he/she should nominate another person to chair the session. 4) No funding has been provided for the expenses of these mini-symposia. 5) The mini-symposium format allows for a variety of formats eg. roundtable discussions, presentations of variable length, etc. There will be a more general call for submission of mini-symposium at a later date. PLEASE PASS THIS NOTE ON TO COLLEAGUES WHO MAY NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THIS NETWORK. *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: J.J. Loiseau IFAC Conference on SYSTEM STRUCTURE AND CONTROL Nantes, France, 5-7 July 1995 FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT and CALL FOR PAPERS Sponsored by International Federation of Automatic Control IFAC Technical Committee on Theory Organized by Laboratoire d'Automatique de Nantes Ecole Centrale de Nantes / Universite de Nantes Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) On behalf of Association Francaise des Sciences et Technologies de l'Information et des Systemes (AFCET) VENUE The IFAC Conference on System Structure and Control will be held from Wednesday 5 to Friday 7 July 1995, at the Ecole Centrale, Nantes, France. Nantes is the largest city in the west of France, the historical capital of Brittany. You can reach Nantes by train (2 hours from Paris by the high speed train TGV) or by plane (the international airport connects Nantes with most of the European capitals). LANGUAGE English is the official language of the conference. French is also authorized. SCOPE This conference follows the two IFAC workshops on System Structure and Control which were held in Prague, Czechoslovakia, 1989 and 1992. The aim is to bring together specialists on system structure, control, linear and nonlinear system theory, to provide them with an opportunity to establish contacts and exchange ideas and new trends. Junior researchers are encouraged to attend and participate in the conference. The conference will consist of - Special sessions - Contributed paper sessions - Poster sessions The topics include - linear systems - nonlinear systems - structural invariants - implicit systems - delay systems - time varying systems - infinite dimensional systems - nD systems and nD filters - H-infinity and robust control. The presentation of applications is encouraged. CALL FOR PAPERS Five copies of full papers or extended abstracts permitting a review (3 pages) and of proposals for special sessions must be submitted by August 1, 1994. The proposals for special sessions should contain a clear presentation of its topic and its aim and the full papers or extended abstracts of all lectures. ACCEPTANCE The submitted papers and special sessions will be evaluated by the Program Committee. Notification of acceptance will be communicated to the authors by November 1, 1994. FINAL PAPERS The final copy of accepted papers should be submitted on 6 standard IFAC sheets in camera-ready form by March 1, 1995. Preprints will be distributed at the conference. Presented papers will be published by IFAC Publications. COPYRIGHT CONDITIONS Copyrights of articles are transfered to IFAC upon presentation at the meeting. Permission to republish material presented at the meeting should be sought from the IFAC Publication Office, Pergamon Press in Oxford, UK. Permission to republish from Automatica and Control Engineering Practice should be sought from the Rights and Permissions Manager, Pergamon Press in Oxford, UK. Please also note that the papers cannot be published unless they have been released from all patent and proprietary restrictions. Copyright transfer forms will be sent to accepted authors by IFAC Publications at the same time as the mats are mailed. KEY DEADLINES Circulate the present call for papers in your lab and environment ........... Today Submission of papers .................. August 1, 1994 Notification of acceptance .......... November 1, 1994 Second announcement-Final program ..... February 1, 1995 Final papers due ....................... March 1, 1995 ESTIMATED FEES 400 CHF (Swiss Francs) INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM COMMITTEE J. Descusse (Chairman, France), G. Bastin (Belgium), M.C. Delfour (Canada), M. Fliess (France), P. Fuhrmann (Israel), J.W. Grizzle (USA), A. Herrera (Mexico), P. Hippe (Germany), K. Hunt (UK), N. Karcanias (UK), V. Kucera (Czech Republic), H. Kwakernaak (The Netherlands), J. F. Magni (France), M. Mansour (Switzerland), K. Ozcaldiran (Turkey), L. Pandolfi (Italy), A. M. Perdon (Italy), K. M. Przyluski (Poland), R. Rabah (Algeria), W. Respondek (Poland), J. M. Schumacher (The Netherlands), M. Sternad (Sweden), A. Vardulakis (Greece), I. Zaballa (Spain), P. Zagalak (Czech Republic), Y.F. Zheng (China). NATIONAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEE J. J. Loiseau (chairman), N. Labaronne, J. F. Lafay, M. Malabre, C. Moog, G. Neveu. CONFERENCE EDITOR M. Guglielmi CORRESPONDANCE AND ENQUIRIES J.J. Loiseau Laboratoire d'Automatique de Nantes Ecole Centrale de Nantes 1, Rue de la Noe 44072 Nantes Cedex 03 France E-mail : Fax : (33) 40 37 25 22 Tel : (33) 40 37 16 49 *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by :Prof.H.Kashiwagi **************** APCCM'95 **************** This letter is an invitaion to APCCM'95, the second Asia-Pacific Conference on Control and Measurement, which will be held on the luxurious ship on Yangtse River from Wuhan to Chongqing, China, on June 20-25, 1995. This ship goes through the most beautiful landscape along the Yangtse River, and stops at several historical spots along the river. Why don't you attend the international conference which will be held on the luxurious ship on Yangtse River ? DEADLINES & KEY DAYS: Receipt of abstracts by August 10,1994 Notification of acceptance by August 30,1994 Pre registration by Nov.30,1994 Receipt of camera-ready full papers by Dec.31, 1994 For more information, please send me an E-mail. I will send you the Call for Papers by E-mail. Or contact me to the following address. Prof.H.Kashiwagi Faculty of Enginewering Kumamoto University Kumamoto 860, Japan Tel.+81-96-344-2111 ext 3742 Fax +81-96-346-4360 E-mail: *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Filiep Vanpoucke ADVANCE PROGRAM AND CALL FOR PARTICIPATION 3rd International Workshop on SVD and Signal Processing August 22-25, 1994 Leuven - Belgium This third workshop on Singular Value Decomposition and Signal Processing is a continuation of two previous workshops of the same name which were held in Les Houches, France, September 1987, and Kingston, Rhode Island, U.S.A., June 1990. The Workshop will be held in the Arenberg Castle of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. Leuven is located in the centre of Belgium, only 30 km from Brussels and 20 km from Brussels International Airport. CONFERENCE COMMITTEE Chairmen: Bart De Moor Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium Marc Moonen Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium Members: Annie Cuyt Universiteit Antwerpen, Belgium Pieter De Groen Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium Ed Deprettere Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands Gene Golub Stanford University, U.S.A. Sven Hammarling Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd, U.K. Franklin Luk Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Paul Van Dooren University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, U.S.A. Luc Wuytack Universiteit Antwerpen, Belgium SPONSORS The workshop is partly sponsored by the European Association for Signal Processing (EURASIP), and the Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research (NFWO), and is organized in cooperation with the IEEE Benelux Signal Processing Chapter and the IEEE Benelux Circuits and Systems Chapter. TECHNICAL PROGRAM The technical program includes 1 hour invited papers, as well as contributed papers, presented in oral sessions (20 mins per paper), and poster sessions (with 10 mins oral introduction per paper). Topics: SVD Algorithms : real-time and adaptive algorithms, continuous algorithms, complexity, accuracy, convergence, related decompositions, tensor SVD SVD Architectures : application specific hardware, parallel implementation SVD Applications : array signal processing, model identification, model reduction, spectrum analysis, harmonic retrieval, speech and image processing, control Invited Speakers: D. Sorensen Rice University, U.S.A. B. De Moor Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium U. Helmke University of Regensburg, Germany N.T. Thao Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong GENERAL INFORMATION The full advance program, registration form and hotel booking form are available via anonymous ftp. ftp address: ( directory: /pub/SISTA/publications files: svdsp_registration.Z (compressed ascii) (compressed PostScript) For further information, contact the workshop secretariat: Lieven De Lathauwer Department of Electrical Engineering - ESAT Katholieke Universiteit Leuven K. Mercierlaan 94, B-3001 Leuven, Belgium tel: +32 16 220931, fax: +32 16 221855 email: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ADVANCE PROGRAM AND CALL FOR PARTICIPATION 3rd International Workshop on Algorithms and Parallel VLSI Architectures August 29-31, 1994 Leuven - Belgium This third workshop on Algorithms and Parallel VLSI Architectures addresses novel research in the area of highly parallel systems, focused on algorithms, architectures as well as design methodologies and compilation. Both custom realisation and programmable processor realisation are included. It is a continuation of two previous workshops of the same name which were held in Pont-a-Mousson, France, June 1990, and Bonas, France, June 1991. The Workshop will be held in the Arenberg Castle of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. Leuven is located in the centre of Belgium, only 30 km from Brussels and 20 km from Brussels International Airport. CONFERENCE COMMITTEE Chairmen: Marc Moonen Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium Francky Catthoor IMEC, Belgium Members: Ed Deprettere Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands Patrick Dewilde Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands Patrice Quinton INRIA/IRISA, France Yves Robert ENS Lyon, France Lothar Thiele Universitat des Saarlandes Joos Vandewalle Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium SPONSORS The workshop is partly sponsored by the EC (BRA project 6632), the European Association for Signal Processing (EURASIP), and the Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research (NFWO), and is organized in cooperation with the IEEE Benelux Signal Processing Chapter, the IEEE Benelux Circuits and Systems Chapter, and INRIA, France. TECHNICAL PROGRAM The technical program includes 1 hour invited papers, as well as contributed papers, presented in regular presentation sessions (20 mins per paper) and short presentation sessions (10 mins per paper). For all contributed papers, additional poster sessions will be organized. Parallel Algorithms : linear and multilinear algebra, filtering and transforms, for sonar and radar, digital audio, image and video, communications, computer graphics, automatic control Keynote Speaker: P.A. Regalia ENST, France Parallel Architectures : arrays, programmable SIMD and MIMD architectures Keynote Speaker: K. Vissers Philips, The Netherlands Parallel Compilation : design methodologies, automated architecture synthesis, parallelisation techniques Keynote Speaker: P. Feautrier PriSM-CNRS, France GENERAL INFORMATION The full advance program, registration form and hotel booking form are available via anonymous ftp. ftp address: ( directory: /pub/SISTA/publications files: palgar_registration.Z (compressed ascii) (compressed PostScript) For further information, contact the workshop secretariat: Filiep Vanpoucke Department of Electrical Engineering - ESAT Katholieke Universiteit Leuven K. Mercierlaan 94, B-3001 Heverlee, Belgium tel: +32 16 220931, fax: +32 16 221855 e-mail: *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: VSLT94 Organizing Committee Workshop on ROBUST CONTROL VIA VARIABLE STRUCTURE & LYAPUNOV TECHNIQUES (VSLT94) Technically co-sponsored by IEEE and CSS Benevento, Italy, September 7--9, 1994 PRELIMINARY TECHNICAL PROGRAM September 7, Wednesday September 8, Thursday Work opening Plenary Lecture I Session WA Session TA Keynote address Plenary Lecture II Session WM Session TM Sessions WP1 and WP2 Sessions TP1 and TP2 September 9, Friday September 10, Saturday Plenary Lecture III Organization meeting Session FA for VSLT96 (in Ischia) Plenary Lecture IV Session FM Sessions FP1 and FP2 LECTURES - Keynote address On One Approach to the Control of Uncertain Systems G. Leitmann - Plenary Lecture I Promises and Pitfalls of Recursive Lyapunov Techniques P. V. Kokotovic - Plenary Lecture II Sliding Mode Control of Mobile Robots V. Utkin - Plenary Lecture III Flatness and Defect of Nonlinear Systems: Introductory Theory and Examples M. Fliess - Plenary Lecture IV Robust Stability Bounds for Time-Varying Perturbations G. Celentano SESSIONS - WA ROBUST STABILITY Asymptotic Stability and Periodic Motions of Selector-Linear Differential Inclusions L.B. Rapoport Polyhedral Lyapunov Functions and Variable Structure Controllers for Uncertain Linear Systems F. Blanchini, S. Miani Logarithmic and Vector Norms for Robust Root Clustering I. Chouaib, B. Pradin Delay-dependent Stability Criteria for Uncertain Systems with Delayed State S.-I. Niculescu, J.M. Dion, L. Dugard - WM ROBUST CONTROL VIA LYAPUNOV FUNCTION Min-Max Output Control for Discrete Uncertain SISO systems N.S. Schapiro, Z.J. Palmor, A. Steinberg An Adaptive Servomechanism for a Class of Uncertain Nonlinear Systems Encompassing Actuator Hysteresis E. P. Ryan Practical Stabilization of Uncertain Affine Control Systems with Control Constraints D.P. Goodall, J. Wang Componentwise Bounded Controllers for Robust Exponential Convergence M. Corless, G. Leitmann - WP1 VSC I Sliding Modes in Dynamic Systems with Vector Impulse Control M.V. Basin Sliding Mode Control for Uncertain Linearizable Nonlinear Systems: A Backstepping Approach E.M. Rios Bolivar, A.S.I. Zinober Discontinuous Integral Control C. Bonivento, R. Zanasi Design of Sliding Surface for Nonlinear System A.G. Luk'yanov - WP2 MECHANICAL SYSTEMS Analysis of Chatter during Soft Landing by means of Lyapunov Technique A.P. Ivanov Decentralized Adaptive Control of Mechanical Systems R. Colbaugh, H. Seraji Closed Loop Control of Nonholonomic Vehicles via Lyapunov Techniques M. Aicardi, A. Balestrino, G. Casalino, A. Bicchi Robust Platoon-Stable Control Design for Autonomous Intelligent Vehicle A. Stotsky, C.C. Chien, P. Ioannou - TA ROBUST CONTROL VIA H-INFINITY METHODS Robust Lyapunov Stabilization with Disturbance Attenuation of Uncertain Affine Nonlinear Systems T. Shen, K. Tamura Quadratic Stabilization and Disturbance Attenuation of Uncertain Linear Time-Varying Systems F. Amato, A. Pironti, S. Scala An Uncertain Averaging Approach to Optimal Guaranteed Cost Control of Uncertain Systems with Structured Uncertainty A.V. Savkin, I.R. Petersen A Quadratic H-infinity Performance Approach to Gain-Scheduling of a Missile Autopilot J.-M. Biannic, P. Apkarian, L. Leletty - TM VSC II A Sliding Mode Control Approach to Predictive Regulation H. Sira-Ramirez, M. Fliess Further Results on Variable Structure Control W. Gao Sliding Modes, Stability and Stabilization in Discontinuous Delay Control Systems E.I. Shustin, E.M. Fridman, L.M. Fridman Implementation of Variable Structure Control for Sampled-Data Systems W.-C. Su, S. Drakunov, U. Ozguner A New Generic Procedure of Designing Robust Control for Nonlinear Uncertain Systems: Beyond the Back-Stepping Design Z. Qu - TP1 MISCELLANEOUS OF VSC Robust Output Tracking Using a Nonlinear Controller/Observer Pair C. Edwards, S.K. Spurgeon A Combined VSS/MRAC Approach to the Control of Uncertain Nonminimum Phase LTI Plants G. Bartolini, A. Ferrara Time Domain Dominance Condition for Decentralized Variable Structure Control of Systems in Input-Output Form A. Bicchi, A. Balluchi, A. Balestrino Symbolic Tools for Variable Structure Control Systems Design: the Zero Dynamics H.G. Kwatny, G.L. Blankenship - TP2 APPLICATIONS ON ROBOTICS AND AERONAUTICS On the Guaranteed Stability Based Adaptive Control of Robotic Manipulators: Continuity and Boundedness Y. Stepanenko, C.-Y. Su, H. Hashimoto Uses of VSS for Autopilot Design of Nonlinear Flight Vehicles A. Thukral, M. Innocenti A Neural Network Based Approach to Adaptive Control A.J. Calise Multi-Input Multi-Output VSS Control for a Remotely Operated Vehicle G. Conte, T. Leo, G. Orlando - FA VSC WITH OBSERVERS AND VSS FOR IDENTIFICATION A MIMO Variable Structure Model of the Controller of Voluntary Arm Movements: an Identification Approach M.L. Corradini, G. Orlando Variable Structure System Theory Based Parameter Identification Approaches for MIMO Systems J.-X. Xu, H. Hashimoto Sliding Mode Observer-Controller Design H. Sira-Ramirez, S.K. Spurgeon, A.S.I. Zinober Sliding Mode Techniques with Robust Observers A. Cavallo, G. De Maria, P. Nistri - FM NONLINEAR SYSTEMS Nonlinear Tracking via Discontinuous Feedback under Uncertainty G. Bartolini, T. Zolezzi Methodology for Analysis and Synthesis of Stable Systems by Lyapunov Functions V. A. Kamenetskiy Structured Dissipativeness and Absolute Stability of Nonlinear Systems A. V. Savkin, I. R. Petersen Optimal Nonlinear Controllers for Feedback Linearizable Systems R.A. Freeman, P.V. Kokotovic A New Class of Identifiers for Robust Parameter Identification and Control in Uncertain Systems T. Basar, G. Didinsky, Z. Pan - FP1 CHATTERING IN VSC Higher Order Sliding Modes as a Natural Phenomenon in Control Theory A. Levant, L.M. Fridman Chattering Control in Sliding Mode Systems: Possibility of Using Additional Dynamics of Actuators L. Fridman Chattering Free Sliding Modes A. Sabanovic, K. Jezernik, N. Sabanovic Discrete Time Chattering Free Sliding Mode Control K. Jezernik, B. Cork, J. Harnik - FP2 APPLICATIONS OF VSC TO ELECTROMECHANICAL SYSTEMS Reduction of Chattering in VSC of AC Motor Drives with Sophisticated Modulation Z. Cucej, K. Jezernik Sliding Modes in Motion Control Systems A. Sabanovic, A. Denker, O. Kaynak, N. Sabanovic Adaptive Switching Control for the Stabilization of a Power System X. Yu, G. Ledwich, H. Sira-Ramirez Tracking Signals in Basic Converters. A Sliding Approach E. Fossas, J.M. Olm WORKSHOP ORGANIZATION - Address VSLT94 Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica Universita` degli Studi di Napoli "Federico II" via Claudio 21, 80125 Napoli, Italy Tel: +39(81)768-3169; +39(81)768-3181; Fax: +39(81)768-3186 E-mail: International Program Local Organization Committee M. Corless (USA) F. Amato F. Garofalo (I) F. Garofalo L. Glielmo (I) L. Glielmo P. Kokotovic (USA) A. Pironti G. Leitmann (USA) S. Scala U. Ozguner (USA) H. Sira-Ramirez (Ven) V. Utkin (Rus) A. Zinober (UK) ****************************************** * * * THE END * * * ******************************************