Matlab Invariant Set Toolbox
Author: Eric Kerrigan
Current version: 0.10.5
Date: 19 April 2005
Download: zip or gzip
This toolbox has been tested with Matlab
Version 5.3 and the Optimization
Toolbox Version 2.0. It should, however, still be compatible with
the latest versions.
Version History
0.10.5, 19 April 2005. Bug fix.
0.10.4, 10 August 2001. Bug fix.
0.10.3, 25 July 2001. Bug fix.
0.10.2, 20 July 2001. Bug fix.
0.10.1, 18 July 2001. New function and bug fix.
0.10, 23 March 2001. First public release.
0.01, 29 November 2000. Used in preparation of PhD thesis.
New Features
Version 0.10.1
isbounded.m - Quick check to determine whether a given polyhedron
is bounded.
Bug Fixes
Version 0.10.5
pdiff.m If Pontryagin difference is empty, the function now returns [] and displays a warning.
Version 0.10.4
isrobposinv.m Corrected a typo in line 43 - 1 on rhs of inequality
was replaced with r(i).
Version 0.10.3
isrobposinv.m - A cosmetic change to the help information and added
a small tolerance for checking whether a constraint is redundant.
oinfdistcl.m - Corrected problem which occurs when C is not the
identity matrix.
Version 0.10.2
kinfset.m - Lines 71-76 put back in from v0.10. This was not the
source of a previously reported bug.
k1set.m - Line 81 changed from Q = polymap(inv(A),polysum(T,polymap(-B,U)))
to Q = polysum(T,polymap(-B,U)). This is because the mapping inv(A) on
the Minkowski sum was implemented again two lines later on in v0.10. This
caused problems if k1set was used to recursively compute the sets, rather
than kinfset/sinfset/cinfset. This implementation is preferred because
it does not require A to be invertible.
Version 0.10.1
kinfset.m - Lines 71-76 commented out from v0.10.
oinfdistcl.m - Argument tmax left out in call to oinfdist.m in v0.10.
Notes and Help
See Appendix E of my PhD
thesis for an introduction to the use of the toolbox.
NB: In order to simplify implementation, the software makes the assumption
throughout that all the sets in the arguments are bounded and
non-empty. If, for example, you do not want to have constraints on
all of the states, define a very large bounded set X = symineq(1e6*ones(1,n)).
Similarly, where necessary the software assumes that A, B, E etc. are defined
and non-empty. Correct behaviour of the code is not guaranteed if these
assumptions do not hold.
Please note that this software is experimental and non-commercial. The
only reason I am making it available is for other researchers to try out
some of the set invariance ideas presented in my thesis. It is the
user's responsibilty in assessing the correctness of the theory and software
implementation before putting it to use in their own research or exploiting
the results commercially.
I am, however, very happy to answer any questions and investigate any
bug reports.
[ Cambridge University | CUED
| Control Engineering Group
Eric Kerrigan-