Tung Chou

Research Keywords

  • System identification

  • Contact Addresses

    Snail mail
    Systems and Control Group
    Electrical Engineering Department
    Delft University of Technology
    P.O. Box 5031, 2600 GA Delft
    The Netherlands
    E-mail chou@harding.et.tudelft.nl
    Tel: +31-15-278 61 52
    Fax: +31-15-278 66 79

    Selected publications

    Note that for copyright reasons papers marked ** are only available on request.

    C.T. Chou, J.M. Maciejowski
    System identification using balanced parametrizations
    IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, vol 42, no. 7, pp. 956-974, July 1997

    C. T. Chou, M. Verhaegen
    Subspace algorithms for the identification of multivariable
    dynamic errors-in-variables models
    Accepted by Automatica.
    See also Proc. 35th Conf. on Decision and Control (1996) pp.3636-3641.

    C. T. Chou, M. Verhaegen, R. Johansson
    Continuous time identification of SISO systems using Laguerre functions
    See: Proc. 35th Conf. on Decision and Control (1996) pp.1519-1520, and
    Proc. 11th IFAC SYSID '97, pp.1349-1354.

    M. Abdelghani, C.T. Chou and M. Verhaegen
    Using Subspace methods in the identification and modal analysis of structures
    Proc. 15th IMAC '97, Orlando, Florida, pp.1392-1398.

    C. T. Chou and B. Hanzon
    Diffeomorphisms between classes of linear systems
    Systems and Control Letters (1995). Vol 26. pp 289-300. Abstract

    C. T. Chou
    Geometry of Linear Systems and Identification
    Ph.D. Thesis. Abstract and postscript file.

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